The Island, mon

The Island, mon

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Another Pet

So, there is this really really really cute pig that we're sorta taking care of! We have named her Clover and apparently she loves banana peels! We fed her banana peels, a fermented avocado, some curdled almond milk and a whole bunch of water. She loved every morsel and I think she's expecting more today! After we fed our pig, we went to the beach and hung out with the students. There we saw Naomi and Tina and so they came and hung out too! Then we went to swim practice...did I mention that Ethan has joined the swim team? Well, he has. Its a blast. All three of us got the "swimmer's high". Its like a combination of adrenaline and endorphins. All night, I had chemicals running through my body like CRAZY. It felt really weird.